Spring cleaning - Noviprofibre

Spring cleaning

By Léa Chauvelon | 06/05/2024

Spring brings a breath of fresh air to Noviprofibre!


Following the arrival of new employees, we’ve undertaken a reorganisation of our workspaces. We’ve redesigned our meeting room and offices to ensure an environment conducive to collaboration and creativity.



In our constant quest for improvement, we have also reviewed the organisation of our packaging and parcel reception area, with a view to increasing our operational efficiency. This optimisation will help to improve your customer experience by ensuring that your orders are delivered quickly and carefully.







A redesigned production workshop


At the same time, our appliance production area has also been reorganised in line with the growth in our business. This initiative is designed to optimise our processes and maintain our commitment to quality and efficiency.




We are proud of the continuous development of our company and are ready to respond to all your requests!