Timber industry - Noviprofibre

Paper industry today suffers from a nagative image even though it makes progress and cares about its ecological footprint.  An image unfortunatly unfounded in France where the sector evolve towards a more economical and sustainable management of ressources.


Indeed, there are tree replanting policies that aim to use old trees, that produce more CO² than oxygen after all, in the paper industry and to replace them by younger trees, great producers of oxygen.


Thanks to these policies, in 100 years, le number of wooded areas has increased from 8 million to 16.5 million hectares.

The paper produced by our industries is also largely reused. In France, 66% of the paper is recycled, which represents 5.3 million tons per year or 171kg per second!


Our country is therefore far from being a bad pupil in this area, and the actors of the sector are acting in this way, for a more sustainable management of our forest areas.